Friday, 5 June 2009

My Britney Review - Pix To Follow

It was the night I had been waiting for and yesterday's build up was intense. After reading several reviews from Brits opening night I was a little concerned but as I am a huge Britney fan I thought she would put on an amazing show.

Britney came on stage just after 9.15 and when the lights went down and the video started to roll the crowed went wild with excitement (especially me). This was what everyone had been waiting for to see the Queen of Pop return to the London stage!

Brit opened the show with Circus which got people dancing and going crazy but after the first song the whole atmosphere died down and some people just looked like they wasn't that into it.

The whole show Britney mimed but I think if you are a Britney fan you should expect her to mime and I don't think people are bothered if she mimes or not as long as she puts on a good show and performs well. Now correct me if I am wrong but I am sure that when Britney last toured her recorded backing tracks sounded like they were live (even though she mimed), well last night it just sounded like the CD and with some remixes thrown in.

Considering the tour is called "The Circus" Britney only sang three songs from the Circus album and the rest was from Britney's Blackout album and some old songs like "Toxic, Hit me Baby One More Time, and Boys". In my opinion I think Britney should of sung some of her new songs from the "Circus Album".

I don't know if it was the way the arena was set up or the stage being in the middle of the arena but it just didn't feel right, maybe it was just me but I think the stage would of been better set out at the front of the arena.

Britney put on a good show but there was something lacking, she just wasn't the Britney that I grew up inspiring to be, she didn't dance much, she walked around the stage allot of the time and took ages changing her costumes which really got on peoples nerves as we was left sitting there having to watch circus performers while Britney got changed.

The crowed went wild for "Toxic" and "Womanizer" and got everyone up on their feet dancing.

Don't get me wrong I love Britney too bits but I just didn't come away thinking "WOW"!

I liked the Britney with the fierce dance moves and the performances that left you wanting more.

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