Thursday, 4 June 2009

The Saturdays Vs The Dolly Rockers

What is going on with all these celebs slagging other artists off?

New girlband the Dolly Rockers have started a war of words with girlband The Saturday's after making some harsh comments about the talented band saying: "could of been five completely different girls and nobody would of given a sh**!"

The Saturdays responded on their individual twitter accounts with Rochelle Wiseman saying: " Dolly Trotters - aka CHAVS, don't like us but use us for the are hard! She added "anyway must dash have a sold out tour to prepare for"!
Who's side are you on? Do you like the Dolly Rockers?
The Saturday's all the way!

1 comment:

  1. must be the Dolly's!
